Textiles and the Triplett Sisters

BAQ: First Baltimore Fire Company

I’d be remiss if I didn’t address the obvious fire engine blocks found in more than one Baltimore Album Quilt. I’d been hopeful I would be able to tie the blocks specifically to a Fire Company. I’ve not been able to find an ad selling blocks for a fundraiser for the engine etc. So far, I’ve only been able to tie the block circumstantially to the First Baltimore Fire Company. In 1842, J. Share & Sons created a new suction fire engine. The theory was that it could shoot a stream of water higher and farther than other traditionally built engines. According to the newspaper, one demonstration proved it sent a stream of water 171 feet and “could bend an arch over the roofs of any ordinary building.” By 1843 the creators provided another demonstration using...

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BAQ: Columbian Fire Company

The diary that connected the Washingtonians and the Fire Companies, also mentioned her father’s connection to Odd Fellows. I wondered if that was an isolated situation with her father just being actively involved. However, after researching the Columbian Fire Company, I realized that it was more common than I expected. Lt. Colonel William H. Watson was a hero in the Mexican American War killed leading a charge in 1846. Many times, the Watson block is simply associated with that heroism. But W. H. Watson also served as the President of the Columbian Fire Company for multiple years. Then in 1843, when the Columbian Temperance Society was formed, the volunteer firefighters were asked to sign an abstinence pledge. After the initial temperance meeting where upwards of 50 Columbian Fire Company members signed the pledge, they also elected...

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BAQ: Watchman Fire Company

I’m continuing to explore the connections between Baltimore Album Quilts and the fire companies. If you haven’t read our blog recently, please check the two previous blogs for info on the Liberty and Union Fire Companies. Next, I decided to focus on the Watchman Fire Company. John and Diane Steele owners of a beautiful Baltimore Album Quilt had already done a significant amount of research on the few inscriptions the quilt contained. The couple traced the four initials/names to the same neighborhood and two lived on Montgomery Street the location of the Watchman Fire Company. As I was attempting to locate the ladies group associated with the Fire Company, it became clear that it was not like the other two previous ladies’ organizations which were associated with the temperance movement. The Watchman Fire Company was formed...

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BAQ's: Union Fire Company

As I continue to research the connection of Fire Companies of Baltimore and Baltimore Album Quilts, based on the diary note, there are interesting results. This new line of investigation is leading to new answers and possibilities. In our last blog post we explored the Ladies Liberty Temperance Benevolent Society associated with the Liberty Fire Company. The Liberty Fire Company participated in a public procession and mourning of President Andrew Jackson. The Union Fire Company joined the Liberty Fire Company in shrouding their Fire Company banners and halls with mourning for six months for Andrew Jackson. I’ve looked in vain for some direct link between the Jacksonian Blocks and why they were included in the certain BAQs. My current working theory asks if these blocks were sewn by the two fire companies’ ladies to acknowledge their...

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Baltimore Album Quilts: New Research

As promised, I’m returning to the research topic of Baltimore Album Quilts. On a recent research trip to Baltimore, I spent time reading original sources including three diaries from the mid-nineteenth century. Two of the diaries were instrumental in guiding my research onto new discoveries about Baltimore Album Quilts. I’d previously written about the importance of the Washingtonians’ connections to Baltimore Album Quilts. (Here’s a link to that blog, if you’d like to reread.) At the time, I searched for the women’s auxiliary to the organization, which was sometimes referred to as Martha Washingtonians. However, I was puzzled when I couldn’t find much about these groups. However, one of the diaries mentioned that the Washingtonians women’s groups were associated with the local fire division. Consequently, it was easy to find information in the newspaper about these...

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