Textiles and the Triplett Sisters

Happy Adventures 2018!

I can’t believe its 2018 already! I’ve spent last month confirming contracts and dates, so I know it is 2018, and yet? I completely understand the phrase “time flies when you’re having fun.” We have lots of fun planned for you in 2018! We aren’t even two weeks into the New Year and look what is going on...I was a guest designer for the first block of a scavenger hunt quilt. If you haven’t checked the quilt out yet, simply follow this link. Besides the scavenger hunt quilt, our Block of the Month Friendship Quilt continues. If you are interested in joining us for our BOM, simply follow this link and be sure you sign up for our Facebook page Triplett Sisters BOM here. This week I’ve been working with the Texas Quilt Museum to set...

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Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas and Peace on Earth! Happy New Year! May 2018 be the best year yet!

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In the American Tradition - Pieced

This is part two of the special exhibition from the Houston Quilt Festival that focused on traditional quilts. This group of quilts are pieced but made recently. Our mother is fond of saying, “why would anyone cut up fabric to sew it back together again?” (The secret is out, our mother is not a quilter!) The answer to her question is apparent when you see the works of art created by sewing the pieces back together again. “The Never Ending Project” by Barb Kissell and quilted by Meg Fasio is appropriately named. Because there are A LOT of pieces, more than 3,000. The Hunter Star block must have really inspired Barb, because she had only been quilting for two years when she decided to tackle this quilt. Clearly, she does not subscribe to my mother’s theory....

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In the American Tradition - Appliqued

The Houston Quilt Show also featured an exhibition on traditional quilts. This week we’ll focus on appliqued quilts. I was curious to see how others defined “traditional.”  One website said, “any quilt with a repeated block.” Hub pages said, “a traditional quilt is probably the type of quilt most people think about when they think of the word quilt.” Another defining statement, “these quilts originated before 1970…when quilt stores did not exist.”  Yes, well…definitions are hard, instead simply enjoy these works of art. Two quilts were made by the master quilter, Cynthia Collier. You know the level of excellence when a quilter gets more than one quilt in the Houston quilt show in the same year.  A well-known and loved applique teacher, Cynthia has shared her talents and skills with many.  She recently retired, which would...

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Rising Stars!

This year the International Quilt Festival – Houston introduced a new exhibition, “Rising Stars.” It is to be held annually, so people can submit to be considered. If you don’t think you are quite in the “rising star” category, encourage someone you know to submit for next year. This year two artists were selected and given a special showcase. Sarah Ann Smith, doesn’t consider herself a natural born artist. However, looking at her quilts it is hard for me to agree with that statement. Granted it may have taken years to learn the tools of the trade, but she is definitely an artist. Her artistic legacy is reflected in a couple of different ways. First showing and appreciating the beauty of nature. Second, a fun and quirky sense of humor in her story telling quilts. All...

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