Textiles and the Triplett Sisters

Lori Lee Triplett, Business Manager for Quilt and Textile Collections, has successfully combined a variety of passions which include research, writing, and performing into the quilt world. As a lecturer and instructor she brings her experience from stage, screen, and radio to make the presentations fun yet educational. She enjoys presenting at local quilt guilds, but also presents at national conferences and has made appearances internationally.

Giraffe: A Cultural Phenomenon

The giraffe is a well-loved animal that inspired a cultural phenomenon wherever it went, even though it didn’t turn out so well for the giraffe. In 46 BC Julius Caesar celebrated his triumphs in Egypt by bringing a Cameleopard (giraffe) back to Rome to be torn to shreds by the lions in the area. In 1487, a giraffe was presented to Lorenzo de’ Medici possibly by the Sultan of Egypt in an attempt to curry favor. This giraffe was an immediate sensation and was immortalized in poetry and paintings by many artists including Botticini, Vasair and Bacchiacca. The giraffe also appeared in an early Italian Genoa mezzaro. Medici had special stables built for the giraffe, which sadly broke its neck on the beams of the stable. Three more giraffes were gifted in 1827 by Viceroy of...

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My Dream Beach Blanket

Beach blanket, Mezzaro or a Palampore? Mezzaro (mezzari/mezzara from the Arabic word “to cover”) are sometimes confused with palampores because of the similarities. In the 16th century the spice trade brought palampores and other textiles from India to the Genoa port and no surprise the block printed textiles were an instant success. The palampores were used for curtains, wall hangings, and yes…beach towels and blankets. The Genoans in the Polcevera valley began printing their own versions of the palampores about the 1690s. The Polcevera River was vital in the production of the mezzaro and the textiles could be seen in various stages of production drying on the riverbanks. Some of the intricate designs used as many as 80 different wood blocks to create the pictorial scene in the center. The mezzaro (still available for purchase today...

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The Times, They Are A-Changing!

The Ephesian philosopher Heraclitus phrase, “only constant in life is change” is used frequently to explain the changes in 2020. For me it is the words of Bob Dylan that fits this year’s cataclysmic events, “you better start swimming or sink like a stone, for the times they are a-changing.” The Triplett Sisters are very fond of water and are doing our best to swim through these changing waters. Without the interaction with you through our programs at the guilds, we continue to morph our business and will retool as needed. Here are some of our recent changes. First, we are offering specially selected fabric in our Etsy shop and on our website. The Dutch Heritage fabric is an example of fabric not readily available in the US, which we are importing. We also have multiple...

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Call for Quarantine Quilts!

The “stay-at-home” orders have officially ceased in many countries as well as all 50 states in the US. Which seems like a good time to mark an end to something horrible by celebrating what quilt art was accomplished. I want to call on everyone who is willing to share what quilts were created during the quarantine. A quilting friend of mine had made 7 quilt tops, as well as quilted and bound 2 quilts, a wall hanging and a table runner. She has also cut out a new quilt with 48 blocks and started an applique block for another quilt. She probably has both of those projects done too, as well as 3 others because that was the tally 2 weeks ago. What have you accomplished during the quarantine? It can be that you completed a...

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WOW, Thank You!

Last blog, I put a call out for quilts to honor Di Ford Hall. Readers, you responded so generously, with quilt photos coming from all over the world. It was a reminder of the impact Di Ford Hall had. As more people make quilts with her fabric or designs, we will continue to see her impact. A huge thank you to everyone who submitted a quilt image. To see all the quilts, be sure you check out the video THE LEGACY OF DI FORD HALL which will be released Thursday May 14. If you enjoy quilts in this style or antique quilts, please subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don’t miss a video! Thank you to everyone that is participating in our new BOM, The Wedding Quilt! It is a very talented group of people...

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